Photo Diary #2: What a Trope-y Start to the Semester (10/4-10/6)

Last days of summer vacation and the first day of class!

I’m posting photo diaries out of chronological order because I’d rather flip flop between current posts and older stories than constantly try to catch up and be forever behind. So here are a few photos/images from my last nights as a free woman and my post-first-class celebration.

Chores, Coffee, and Cake

I spent the day catching up on chores and running errands since I had just got back from a trip to Budapest (more on that fun adventure later!) to find myself out of laundry and food. To get myself out of the apartment and away from the frustrations of washing my clothes in the inane machines provided by my housing complex, I visited the famous Cafe Central with a few friends. Finally! I’ve been meaning to go here since seeing it in my Free Map for young and clever People. It’s a Viennese institution being a favorite stomping ground of famous figures like Sigmund Freud, Leon Trotsky, Alfred Adler, Vladamir Lenin, and even Adolf Hitler. Now it’s a popular tourist spot, which was obvious from the line and various languages that could be overheard in the cafe.

I ordered the Wiener melange, a classic Viennese coffee similar to the Italian cappuccino, and a lemon curd cake. So heavenly! I have to come back again for another drink and dessert, but it’s kind of pricey so not too often I’m afraid.

Feeling Like a Homebody

After a wonderful coffee house adventure, I met with my exchange buddy for a screening of Stanley Kubrik’s A Clockwork Orange at the Gartenbaukino, an English cinema. I’ve been meaning to watch more classic films, and I really lucked out on having a buddy who also enjoys going to the cinema. I loved the film though it was quite uncomfortable to watch at times—it was originally rated X for its depiction of rape and violence. I highly recommend it. Makes you think.

The next day I went to WU’s library to check out the textbook for my Global Branding class. It was the easiest process ever! Then I had a wonderful dinner of veggie pasta while organizing photos and watching Mr. Robot.

Oh Yeah, I’m Studying Abroad

After a month of living in Vienna, I’m finally attending classes! My first one was Global Branding, a course I’m so far enjoying because marketing is dope and my classmates seem really nice. Also, there’s no final exam for this class. Unfortunately, we have a Saturday session in November which won’t be very fun.

Because it was raining and very cold—how fitting to have water symbolism to mark a new beginning, AKA my classes—I took shelter in the Library Cafe und Roastery and had a delicious chai latte with extra cinnamon. Warm, cozy drinks on rainy afternoons are just perfect. Here’s to straight A’s, or in this case straight 1’s (grading is from 1-5 with 1 being the best)!


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